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WhatsApp Image 2024-05-22 at 1.52_edited
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-22 at 1.52_edited
Leon Builrders make  framing construction that supports the weight of a building and provides stability and strength. we make all the assembly of structural elements, such as beams, columns, walls, and floors, to create a framework that can withstand the loads and forces acting upon the structure.
We make framing of steel or woods. The frame consists of vertical members called studs, horizontal members called joists or beams, and diagonal members known as braces. These members are interconnected to form a rigid and stable structure.

The framing process typically starts with the construction of the foundation, which provides a stable base for the structure. Once the foundation is in place, the framing process begins by erecting the exterior walls, which are usually made of wooden or steel studs. These walls are then interconnected with beams and joists to form the skeletal framework of the building.

The next step in framing construction is the installation of the floors and roof. Floor joists or trusses are installed to support the weight of the floors, while roof trusses or rafters are used to provide support for the roof. These structural elements are carefully designed and engineered to ensure the building's stability and to meet local building codes and regulations.

Framing construction also involves the installation of other components, such as windows, doors, and interior partitions. These elements are integrated into the framework to create functional spaces within the building.
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